Tuesday 17 June 2014


Material requirement
for extracting banana fibre

Banana fibre can be extracted manually from sheaths of banana plant. The materials required for extracting fibre include scraper (a small piece of tin), scissor, needle and bench of 2 to 3 ft. in width manual extraction of fibre
The materials required for manual extraction are easily available, simple to handle and does not require any initial expenditure. But manual extraction is:
u    drudgery prone, cumbersome and a tedious activity;
u    associated with blackening of nail ends, finger tips and causes nail ulcers; and
u    unhygienic due to spillage of juice and waste pith around the surrounding.

Method of manual extraction of fibre

1. Cut the pseudo stem, that is, the portion of the banana plant above the ground. Cut the sheath into pieces of about 2-3 feet in length.
2. Remove the greenish sheaths till white layers are obtained.
3. Take layers of white sheaths on the bench or flat hard surface and scrap with the scrapper. Extract out all the water from sheaths by scrapping.
4. Leave the drained out remains of the sheaths for sun drying for a short while to get the fibre.
Dyeing of fibre

1. Boil one  litre of water in a medium sized pan. Put two teaspoon dye colour and stir it thoroughly.
2. Put approximately 300 g of fibre and gently turn it up and down for a couple of minutes.
3. Put 1½ tsp  sodium bicarbonate in one litre of water. Let the water boil for 20 minutes. Remove the coloured fibre from water and let it dry.

Fibre products and articles
           Products                      Articles
           Rope                            Bags
           Twines                         Mats
           Hessian cloth               Hat
           Canvas                         Purse
           Laminated                    Cushion cover
           roofing materials          Towel
           Paper                            Jacket

In view of the problems, a user friendly fibre extraction machine has been designed and developed by Krishi Vigyan Kendra at Central Tobacco Research Institute, Rajamundry, Hyderabad.
This need based user friendly machine extracts fibre from pseudostem, peduncles and leaf stalks that can be used for commercial purposes.
The advantages of banana fibre extractor machine are as follows:
q    reduces drudgery;
q    increases fibre production as compared to manual process;
q    user friendly and economic;
q    involves low maintenance cost; 
q    safe to operate;
q    provides clean work atmosphere;
q    keep the hands clean;
q    produces superior quality fibre in terms of length, softness, strength and colour and maintains uniformity.

Micro enterprises with banana fibre
            In a very simple language micro-enterprise can be explained as partnership of family business to gain direct access to income. The term basically refers to self employment which directs that one must have skill and training to be self-employed or labeled as entrepreneur. The term micro means on a small scale. Therefore, micro-enterprise refers to any income generating activity on a small scale.
Banana plants are available in plenty in the state of Assam. The total area under banana cultivation is 41.9 thousand hectare with a total production of 581.9 tonnes per year. Much of this plant resource gets wasted after harvesting of fruit. But since the fibre extracted out of the plant has commercial value there is a need to advocate the use of banana fibre. The fibre can be converted into various products and utility articles for sale purpose and thereby, contribute to monitory gain. It is with this idea that micro-enterprises with banana fibre needs to be advocated.

Advantages of being an entrepreneur
n    Generates income for the family.
n    Combines low waged job with income earning activities.
n    Facilitates self employment by mobilizing and organizing resources, organizing and marketing products.
n    Provides opportunity to avail loan to start an enterprise. for income generation.
n    Builds assets, expands business and utilizes talents in selected trades.
n    Enhances knowledge and skill in particular trade.
n    Become an earner than a mere consumer.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

About banana fibre extraction and how to make bag from banana fibre

Banana fibre is eco friendly like jute fibre. The technology of banana fibre extraction has been developed in South India where in a good number of banana fibre extraction units have been running very successfully. Some firms are exporting the banana fibre products. Banana growing states of N.E.Region has adopted the technology from South and started production of banana fibre and fabric.

The extraction of the natural fibre from the plant required certain care to avoid damage. Initially the banana plant sections were cut from the main stem of the plant  and then rolled lightly to remove the excess moisture. Impurities in the rolled fibres such as  pigments, broken fibres, coating of cellulose etc. were removed manually by menas of comb, and  then the fibres were cleaned and dried.  This mechanical and manual extraction of banana fibres was tedious, time consuming, and  caused damage to the fibre. Consequently, this type of technique cannot be recommended for  industrial application. A special machine was designed and developed for the extraction of banana fibres in a mechanically automated manner. It consisted mainly of two horizontal beams whereby a carriage with an attached and specially designed comb, could move back and forth. The fibre extraction using this technique could be performed simply by placing a cleaned part of the banana stem on the fixed platform of the machine, and clamped at the ends by jaws. This eliminated relative movement of the stem and avoided premature breakage of the fibres. This was followed by cleaning and drying of the fibres in a chamber at 20oC for three hours. Traditional method is also there, by using drinking glass sharp at upper part (as shown in picture).

Making of Bag:
The Banana twine is first soaked in water so that the fiber becomes soft and supple as it is flexible to make bags. The bag making process is very simple and followed crochet weaving technique. Banana weaving technique is unique when compared to other weaving techniques. The weaver uses their fingers to thread the bags and other products. Base and body of the Banana bag is weaved first and then weaving progress to increase the side walls of the bag. The handle of the bag is weaved separately and then attached to the bag. The excess Banana yarn after weaving is cut using scissors. Few other products like tea coaters and dining table mats are handmade by braiding the slices of Banana fibre and then coiled to take the required shape.